Monday, March 15, 2010

Gomez in Style

If you're a Disney fan, or a Selena Gomez fan, you've probably came across links that lead you to one of her latest hit-to-be Naturally. A song about the natural relationship between to people, in this case, probably a guy and a girl. A typical pop song, with a pretty radical twist.I am not a big fan of hers, just a fellow spectator who really admire her work and job. Maybe you would consider that a fan, but, it really is up to anyone to decide how they view a fan as. Selena has been featured in Teen Vogue once last year, I believe it to be one of the sweetest covers I have seen on Teen Vogue, a floral feel to the whole cover.

Like how a magazine cover depicts the peaking of a model's career, especially those on well known magazines like Vogue, Teen Vogue, Lucky and Seventeen. These are magazines that most people read, women in general, and most of which there are solo covers. Unlike celebrity magazines like Us Weekly, Tiger Bop and J-14, these magazines have more than just the latest celebrity gossips and tabloids. These magazine actually have substance sometimes. They are of course my favorites as they provide a wide range to piece a fashion picture together, from pricey to literally price-less, and, they have short interviews and autobiographies of some of my favorite mentors and examples I look up to like Dakota Fanning and Chanel Iman,

Therefore, like models and actresses alike, Selena Gomez has appeared to be one of the celebrity fashion models I do appreciate. She has appeared to be quite the Disney baby, and when she popped out of her shell into this fully fledged independent teen, I am in awe, and absolutely loving it. Before I move on to how this music video Naturally has anything to do with what I'm saying, please do watch.

I love the couture runway vibe she gave with the big accessory (gold beady necklace) and a simple black dress with an "Umph" toward the end, the look was simply gorgeous with the exploding pop of red color she wears on her legs. Pause at 0:22, and you would totally understand why I dig the whole look. It is a pretty dainty painting. The rayban was paired with pretty dangling earrings with detail. The plainness of the rayban was balanced with the intricate and delicate vibe of the earrings, it goes to show, a little DOES go a very long way. 0:27 depicts Selena in a white sleeveless top that has such pretty embellishments along her shoulder line, really defining her bone structure, and with what appears to be stockings. leggings, or leather stockings, paired with the same high heels. It is strong yet vulnerable. I did not however totally love the pink dress with the pretty gold necklace. The sheer of the dress just feels like it clashes with the focus of the necklace, like two totally different pieces in their own right, fighting for the attention of the eyes, yet go so well on their own. So there, the amazing pieced together fashion/music goes hand in hand in this video. At least for those who feast on the art before them.

I am not a major fan of Disney, but I did somewhat grew up watching it. So, I guess, Disney isn't actually a brainwasher, I've stopped flipping to the channel altogether, and the shows are getting somewhat boring, I guess I grew up, we all do, but in some small way, Disney did play its part, and this is my small way of saying "Its time to let go, even the Disney Stars are doing so"

So if you enjoyed the highly addictive song, perhaps you would care for one more Disney Food of Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato in Make A Wave. A very touching song in my opinion, yet, it could have a better match for Demi. My apologies to the Jonas fans, but I just think it could be a song between friends, Like Selena and Demi (Not that I am biased), or perhaps the singers of USA for Haiti. It would have a terribly deeper meaning in the utmost best way. Don't you think?

1 comment:

Kinsey said...

I am a fan of Selena Gomez, but of Disney I am not. Selena is just a great role model for the younger generations and even for the older one, she is classy and intelligent not to mention talented in what she does. I am looking forward to her days of not being associated with Disney.