Sunday, May 16, 2010


I was planning on completing my post on Glee but something hit me. Something else. Something that I'm really pondering on. Lets put it simply/ As a teenager I'm going through this "phase" as most might put it. Yes indeed, a "phase" a stage in which life goes through a mode of change of some sort sort of like the motion of transitioning. Not the before, or the after, but the process. The act, the motion, the committing, the deed. Funnily, all processes have their products before the end product. What do I mean? I guess I can't really say I'm sure, or how sure I am of explaining it, but what I think this head of mine truly means, is that in the midst of all we do, and all we say, there's always something produced, before the actual product. Simply put. There's never a sure result for all actions lead to varying results, of which when combined together, produces the supposed end result seen heard and thought of by the naked eyes, ears and mind. The rational.
Nothing really is rational is it? How can it be? Why is it that an action can actually be rationalized so easily, when there are many reasons why it isn't. Like, why is it rational for an adult to discipline a child, but no the other way round? Honestly, I am not arrowing this at some parent-child relationship issues, I am really wondering why so. Why is it rational for someone older to yell or scold, reprimand or reason to someone younger? What if the younger is right? If they are, then them correcting the older is deemed as rude, and they are punished? What is the rational behind that? Why are all these mannerisms and 'respect' preset for us humans to follow so easily, and  since we do, why do we follow them?
Why is it okay, for adults to get worried over politics, but when teenagers face such oppressions, it is "part and parcel of life"? Day in, day out, people constantly state the reasons for the ever rising suicidal rate for teenagers is because they couldn't take what was "part and parcel of life", is it not unfair that teenagers in general are viewed as stupid for even thinking that way, just because these older people have lived through it before, and therefore it is seen that every single living piece of young being should be able to? What is this monstrosity of  expectations of generation some have not lived in, live to experience in, and pass off their age as a negotiating factor for experience? Teenagers aren't just pieces of meat being molded into the narrow-minded working drones of today's society. They aren't just going through a stage either. Why are our life situations viewed so little off simply because we haven't experienced the real world? What is the real world? Does being financially independent, getting a job and living on our own considered the real world? Isn't that just a physical aspect, the black and white, pen and paper verification of your 'adulthood'? So does that mean your adulthood is certified by those things? What about the children in third world countries exploited by many others out there? Yes, indeed they are viewed as children of undeserved sufferings, who have suffered much more physical and mental trauma then we of more developed countries have. We are labelled, spoiled, bratty, inexperienced, ungrateful. We are judged from the physical aspect, we are judged on what is conjured by one person, which is then further amplified by millions out there who assume they first observed. What right is there?
Does not the emotional pain that is probably a million times more devastating count for experience? If one teen loses his or her life over some romance failures, is that deemed as stupidity simply because we perceive it to be? If we are not her or him, how can we understand the pain and trauma felt by the different individuals? Do we simply categorize so generally the course of actions just cause we are afraid of the truth, the truth that maybe, just maybe, there is so much more to this teen that the world does not understand, and once again, might I clarify, that this is not about me, maybe a fraction of me, but not me, simply a block of questions I have bottled up and left to reluctantly evaporate, and so, I hope it is not so quickly assumed I am suffering from some romantic loss or such ridiculous assumptions of such. There is so much to one person that the whole world doesn't understand, that the law fears of having to look into to incorporate more investigations and more laws, so much so, that legal terms cannot define the actions because who can judge emotions with words? It is this fear, I feel, that causes the world to generalize every problem handed to them, and therefore, it is said, as we grow older, we lose our imagination. I believe we do, for as we grow older, we have so much physical aspects to handle, that we shut our emotions out, and limit them to the basics. The older the generation grows the more we fear of having much more to handle, so we shut out the first signs of pure inexplainable emotions from the beginning, so we don't have to deal with it. Then again, what right do we have to decide for others, if it is the fear in ourselves. Then again, it is only the majority that is important isn't it, and therefore, it is only alright to force the opposing minority out, or create a large conventional categorization, so that right and wrong is indefinitely accepted by today's society, and is therefore since it is so outwardly expressed, the levels of acceptance, that it suddenly seems that what is right and wrong, has already been set by a system of humans who fear.
I refuse to accept, yet, I have no idea what I am refusing, for it certainly isn't rational to go against a system that is based on fear, for it is not the instability of the system I am pointing at, but simply the silliness of actually trying to go against emotion.
So therefore, I guess we can conclude, that even older people have mass emotions, yet, they only disguise it under legal systems to appear correct. Teenagers are definitely not going through any less, because, they have no legal system, to guard or guide themselves. The emotional wreck they feel of themselves, is more than justifiable, simply because it isn't given the thought it rightfully deserves. Therefore, is it right to say, that teenagers experience more than adults, and therefore, it is the younger that should be deserving of authority? Then again, it is impossible to measure the weight of the emotions for we do not know every individual, and sometimes, the individual do not know themselves.
So therefore, I guess I have finally justified this uncomfortable punch in the stomach, in a minute amount. I still have no answers, but I still have questions.

Today's society is a ruckus, and we are part of it. It is no right to justify, yet our right to clarify. How can we differentiate?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Closer to Home

Its a rainy Saturday, and I'm secretly blogging in the comfort of a room and air condition. My dog is scared of thunder, he's shivering... As you all realized, or those who have read, I'm from Singapore, and I've been geared towards the other side of the world when I'm writing. My interests reigns in places far far away, so I tend to see what's on the other side...

I have no idea why I'm writing this post, and what exactly this post is going to be about and titled, but I'll go on. I guess I've decided to write more local stuff since I'm from the great Singapore! Basically, Singapore is a REALLY small Island with MANY people. Since 2009, we've had 4,987,600 people living on a 710.2km
of land, which really isn't that big. So for those who don't know, Singapore is a country. Not a part of China! According to a friend source, when her sister met the Jonas Brothers, they thought Singapore was a part of China. I was really disappointed to hear that.

The arts scene in Singapore became slightly more well known, and its still growing over the years. However, I guess Asians are never seen to reach great heights internationally unless by some remarkable bar-breaking standards (Olympic records etc.), maybe even acting, but Asian's aren't really starred in big screen stuff much unless they are: Tremendously gorgeous/ handsome which usually results in Asians of mix descents, Lived in countries of opportunities. However, I still wait for the day when the Universe can be really diverse and accepting. Till then, I'll still be living as a normal girl who sits upon the footstools of all the world has, and watch. 

So just to get the ball rolling, these are a couple things that Singapore is well known for, and some of Singapore's local/International favourites those who don't know will, well... Know!

To the Fashion scene, the first person I think off that I feel has made a name for Singapore in the area, is Ashley Isham, who is a born-and-raised in Singapore designer. His designs have been seen on celebrities ranging from Kylie Minogue and Erin O'Connor, to the up-to-date Lady Gaga and Pixie Lott.

I feel he has done his country, but most importantly, HIMSELF proud. It is inspiring to know so much can come out from someone with such great passion in a country I belong to.

In the music scene, we have Corrinne May! A internationally known singer-songwriter who is now based in Los Angeles. She is most well-known for her album Beautiful Seed.

In the blogging scene, I would like to nominate Wendy Cheng, also known as XiaXue. A well known blogger for her controversial posts and strong opinions, along with her fierce character that is both endearing and dominating. A true blogger who isn't afraid to say what she wants and let it out for the rest of the world to ponder.

Throughout the time it has regain its independence, up till today, Singapore has been evolving, and I would like to take my hat off to the film arts scene for coming up with the most wonderful, straight to point, life-like productions. Especially with the latest 23rd Singapore International Film Festival, featuring local and regional film productions.

Its not national day till 9th August 2010, but I still think I should give more credit to my country. I love Singapore, and I fully support it as the Youth Olympics 2010 is going to take place here soon from 14-16 August 2010.

With Our 2 Mascots....

I never fully understood the need for mascots, much more the names.... 

To round it all off, I am going to be updating about latest deals and spills on fashion and beauty galore, local and international, right down to the gritty information if I can. So up next, I would like to post the latest Great Singapore Sales information for all you out there, as it is in the summer, and a holiday is no doubt in question, get down to Singapore and see what appeals and maybe, learn a little more about the Youth Olympics 2010!

All images are for promotional purposes and a from the Great Singapore Sale website

Places to head to for good buys!!!

Along with Other Events....

Once again, I would like to CLEARLY STATE that these images were merely plucked off from their rightful sources for promotional purposes and non for self whatsoever. I encourage you to visit the sights or click on links to further understand and know what Singapore is.

Lastly, I would like to wish all mothers a dear mother's day. I love my own mother very much, and I honestly think, mothers are the greatest gift. Though yes, annoying and nagging at times, to some point at which you want to buy earplugs, but mothers are truly, the best. Here's to all mothers, a very Blessed and glorious mothers day!


All images and video are not mine, I do not own them, and they are used for promotional purposes only, unless otherwise stated.

Friday, May 7, 2010

M•A•C Cosmetics: Exclusive Launch of Pret-A-Papier Collection


M•A•C Cosmetics: Exclusive Launch of Pret-A-Papier Collection at M•A•C Robinsons Raffles City on 7 May 2010 ( Fri )

Here's a quick update on one of my favourite cosmetics... M.A.C!! Before I rush off to study, I would like to know YOUR take on MAC's cosmetics and which is your favourite MAC product? How has MAC impacted your life tremendously??

Have you laid your hands on their new collection? If so, what is it like?? Any blog post reviews??

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jasmine Villegas

Celebrity Piece

This is indeed a funny thing, I promised myself I wouldn't touch the computer till after my exams, but I simply SIMPLY have to. This stress is too much for one tiny speck of me to hold and carry for another week... So, I decided too!

I never really did any piece on any person in particular, but a part of me actually feels like I NEED to do this. Its been a twirling bout of thought in this nut I call a brain long before I actually thought of starting this blog on a fine march. The title says the name, but do you know the person?

Jasmine Villegas born on December 7th 1993, is an American Youtuber of Filipino and Mexican descent. I would guess most of those who know her, know her through Bieber Boy and his Baby Video. The girl he was chasing? That one? In the baby video?? Not the other ones, just the Baby one... In case you have not sensed the much added sarcasm with a good dose of good ol' humor, it was present. Yes, indeed, Bieber and his Babes... How catchy. I don't mean to sound rude or against him, I do love his music and it's forever upbeat lyrics about how a boy feels about a girl, and the ENDLESS times I see GIRLS singing them...

Re-Enactment: Walking down the street a beautiful girl sings.. There's gonna be one less lonely girl... me + You, I will tell you one time, Shorty's like an eenie meenie miney mo luhvuh... one time, one time..

Singing songs about how a guy feels about a girl...

I have to admit, Bieber Boy is rather the charmer, and his songs have catchy beats with good tunes that keep listeners on the go. A sweet easy listening, fun and upbeat playlist. Even my Indie friend likes him.


Yes, unfortunate for you Bieberettes and dudes, its time for who I'm really taking about.

From outlets advertisments ranging from Target to Macy's, Mary-Kate and Ashley and Hillary Duff, to Macdonald's and more, Jasmine has been featured in them. She has starred in family-friendly fun (say that 20 times on a spinning chair) sitcoms like 'My Wife and Kids', and 'That's So Raven', two of my favourite hilarious series (especially the latter). Since young, JV has been performing and modeling, then, doesn't that just spell out her career?

It didn't start there, and I'm proud to say it didn't, or the Jasmine I would see, wouldn't be the inspiration she is to me now.

In 2007, the peak period where majority of the first generation Youtubers move from just viewers to directors, Jasmine Villegas posted her videos, sprouting from a fun-loving and bubbly girl, to an older, more mature and experienced teen she is today. The months went pass, and the videos increased, her soulful covers garnered the support of many other Youtubers, and the start of her growing fan base, or more like friend base..

My sudden love for music in 2007, and singing(credits to Bianca Ryan) got me to use Youtube more than I knew how to, and by late 2007, I was viewing the growing and nurturing of current great Youtube artistes like Savannah Outen, Jessica Sanchez, Thia Megia, Charice, Tiffany Alvord, Mia Rose and the only guy (NOT BIEBER BOY) Nick Pitera and his lovely rendition of A Whole New World. They all grew a fan base in Youtube, where I happy to say, they never stopped singing to. However, growing fan bases and lack of management and yearning of ambition equates to a painfully difficult life for these artistes in hopes to achieve their dreams. Thus, responding to fans become difficult when unlike celebrities, they have no assistants at their beck and call.

Over the years since I stumbled upon Jasmine Villegas, she never stopped showing appreciation to her fans, and even responded to them. Constant love, care, and attention to people brings about more friends than fans, and thus the Jasminators were formed. Definition: Jasmine Villegas supporters who won't stand for haters, and back JV up anytime. Isn't it such a great Supporter-Supportee relationship? When you TAKE the time out for others? I think so anywho.

Learning she was only 11(actually younger) when she started out to fulfill her ambition, she has since been a role model to me. How you can have fun in doing what you love, and loving the people who love you all the same.

However, I do get a little annoyed when people go, did you see the Bieber girl? Who is she? and she's labelled as the Bieber girl. I mean, wouldn't you like to be known for what you do and love than who's music video you were in? If you don't already know who I'm talking about go watch the behind the scenes of Baby!

She is undeniably talented and confident. She has a big heart, and has been helping non-profitable charities for kids her age, has been performing in various schools and also sung the national anthem for her home country in the Phillipines, and also the states. She has proved to be versatile and flexible, confident and ever-giving, with her supporters as income (emotionally)

Since last year, JV has came up with 2 hits, revolving around boys and relationships. This time, its a GIRL singing bout a boy, so if we GIRLS sing it, its gotta sound better than Bieberboy's BOY stuff right??

So ROLL OVER BIEBER! The rise of JASMINEV has JUST BEGUN! Mwahahaha!

To me, Jasmine Villegas is a true representation of despite how YOUNG you are, you are never too old to dream, and never too YOUNG to do what you love, and never too YOUNG to map out your FUTURE. That with hard work and endless perseverance, along with a heavy dose of love for what you do, you can do anything. Anything's Possible!

Therefore, Dream Big, Dream Now.

Be it Fashion, Music or Writing. (Directed to ME. teehee)
or dancing, acting and sports, or modelling or counselling, or whatever WHATEVER WHATEVER your passion is, grasp onto that fragment, and piece it to your puzzle so you'd have a clear picture of your life.

Please do support Jasmine Villegas, and her upcoming album. Here are two of her recent hits I do love!

I Own This (2009)

Serious (2010)


